In the last post, I mentioned the challenges of the default environment and why the environment routing was needed.
If you haven’t read that, please do read it and return to this post.
We often do things without understanding why. In this case, it’s crucial to understand the challenges before enabling Environment routing. Also, environment routing may not be for you, which is fine.
If you think it’s for you, then continue.
Okay, I assume you read the previous post and are happy to learn how toπ.
In this post, we will talk about how to enable environment routing.
All you need to do is four steps to enable the environment routing in Power Platform.
Enable Environment Routing
Step 0: Create an Environment Group and publish the rules.
The environment group acts as a basket where you can group all your environments and apply rules only to those environments.
Open And Click on a new group to create a group.
In the picture below, I am creating a developer environments group, which will group all the maker’s developer environments.
Once the group is created, make sure you publish the rules associated with the group.
As of now, you have 6 rules available provided by Microsoft.
You can learn how to configure the rules here.
Once that is done, it’s time for everyone to have developer environments.
Step 1: Enable developer environments from Tenant settings.
Go to the Tenant Settings
Click on Developer environment assignments and set it for everyone.
Now, everyone in the organization can create a developer environment.
It’s time to enable the Environment routing feature.
Step 2: Enable Environment Routing and select the Environment Group.
In the Tenant settings click on Environment routing.
This gives you a few options.
All Makers (Or) New Makers Only:
Based on your requirements, you can enable this only for new makers or makers already building solutions.
Environment Group:
This is the group you created in Step 0.
Once an environment is created, it will be associated with this group, and the rules will be applied according to your configuration.
Security Group:
You can limit this environment routing only for a specific group of people or enable it for everyone.
Test Environment Routing
It’s time to test.
You can test it with the help of new or existing makers. Ask them to access the maker portal.
Step 3: Access with a new maker or existing maker.
And wait for the environment to be created.
The environment automatically gets added to the group.
All the published rules are applied to the developer environment.
In this post, you learned how to enable the Environment routing and Test the functionality.
Based on your company’s requirements, you could Test with a few people and allow only new makers.
Once you are happy with the testing, you can enable it for all makers and larger groups within the company.
What do you think of the environment routing feature?